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    Party Work


    时间:2018-05-09 10:22:27   来源:   作者: 点击量:


    The No.29 English Corner is composed of two parts, Platts Report discussion and its translation, and hot spots and current affairs chasing.
    普氏报告难点讨论部分,首先便是标题当中的Pellet Premiums的含义问题,按照单纯的字面解释,译为优质球团矿看似合适,其实该专有名词的正确意思为球团溢价,原料部的同事也对该术语进行了专业详细的解释。其次,对于a maximum sizing of 2.5% under 5 mm词组中的sizing,大家也展开了讨论,虽然没能达成一致,但是大家最终决定在英语角结束之后向原料部的老业务员进行求教,并在下次的英语角活动中将正确答案公之于众。
    In the first part, firstly comes the definition explanation on the phrase “Pellet Premiums”, through literal translation and direct translation methods, “优质球团矿” seems more proper, but in fact, there is a professional version for the phrase, which is “球团溢价”. then the colleague from raw material department made a detailed explanation to this terminology. Then, about the meaning of “sizing” in the phrase “a maximum sizing of 2.5% under 5 mm”, everyone came into discussion, tough the final answer was not obtained in such a short time, everyone decided to ask the senior manager from raw material department, then the right answer would be published in the next English Corner.
    In the second part, the topic is on the trade war between China and the US. Everyone in seat took part in the heated discussion positively. Some colleagues thought the true purpose of America could be described as “though drunken, one’s real interest is not in wine”. Maybe ZTE was just the victim of the trade war between China and the US, USA’s final purpose was to let the whole world suspect the credit of China, then they would joint together to sanction China’s economy. Some other colleagues expressed their points through a different angle, which was China now is forced to develop high-grade, high-precision and advanced technologies and improve the treatment towards the researchers and absorb the talents, then China in the future would not be controlled by the US-like international hegemony, and if we kept forging forward, we would finally achieve the goal of a powerful country and China dream. In the end, the suggestions were raised, there should be easier and more joyful topic to discuss, for example, who is the most handsome player in the champion team, Liaoning Basketball Team, or the topic of the most popular cartoon recently, Peppa Pig.