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    Party Work


    时间:2018-06-11 14:40:54   来源:   作者: 点击量:



    This week the group discussed and learnt the content from the Platts report and metal bulletin.
    Considering that the group has learnt the essential expressions and words in the Platts report and metal bulletin, we start studying in a new way. Given a passage from the Platts report, the group members start analyzing whether the passage indicates a bullish, a bearish or a neutral market.
    由于小组成员已经逐渐熟悉了普氏报告和metal bulletin中常见的表达方式,这次小组成员开始用新的方式学习普氏报告的内容。小组成员通过分析普氏报告和metal bulletin中的一小段来判断摘出的这一段是代表着市场偏多、偏空还是中性。
    5th May marks the 200th anniversary of Marx's birthday. The group also studied Marx's diagnosis of capitalism. The group discussed their opinion on the five diagnosis below
    1、Workers are not satisfied with their labor because they feel alienated from the product of their labor in a specialized production. 工人由于在专业化生产中劳动的异化让他们对自己的工作不满意。
    2Human can be easily replaced by technology and become expendate in the society. 人可以轻易地被科技替代,并且更像一种消耗品。
    3Capitalism is endemic with crisis because of the abundance of production. 资本主义由于过剩生产造成的固有周期性危机。
    4Commodity fetishism: the relationship among people are replaced with the relationship among commodities. 商品拜物教:人之间的关系被物与物或商品和商品之间的关系代替。
    5Capitalists reap most of the profit while exploiting the workers by offering very limited wages. 资本家获取了绝大多数的利润而只提供工人极其有限的工资